Tag Archives: Where’s the Beef ?

Where’s the Beef ?

The days are gone when we eat meat not caring where it come from. When large food corporations took over family run and smaller corporations, profit took the front seat before food quality and safety. Nowadays, the fundamental cause of the things you eat matters. Consumers are now horrified by how animals are treated in feedlots and factory farms and a growing number of people are searching for a more secure and healthier alternative. We now want to provide our family with fresh food without any artificial synthetics, dangerous antibiotics and hormones, herbicides and pesticides. The result is a trend towards pasture-raised animals; grass fed and natural.
There are no more than 50 grassfed cattle operations left in america 10 years ago, now we have thousands. Fortunately, there still exists caring and small family-run farms where cattle eats grass, untainted by antibiotics and growth hormones and where animals are free to run in fields free of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. These animals have the freedom to eat the food mother nature provided.

The sales of grass- beef have significantly risen. If you have concerns regarding the levels of cholesterol and saturated fats in beef, then you will be more alarmed to understand that the grains being fed in factory farms contribute largely to the negative issues with eating beef. As an end result, grain-fed beef have a higher saturated fat content from 35% to 75%. On the other hand, beef which is grass-fed has less than 10% of its saturated fat. This can even supply the extra omega-3 nutritional advantages to a baby of a breastfeeding mom.

So, is grass-fed beef really better?
It truly is ! You may even lose weight with grass-fed beef since it’s got lower calorie content. By switching to lean grass-fed beef, you may lose several pounds without any drastic alteration in your diet.

Moreover, you’ll be able to virtually prevent any risk of diseases based on just how the cattles were raised and fed by eating only 100% grass-fed beef. This type of beef will give you peace of mind for your family and less concern of deadly food infections such as food and mouth disease, mad cow, or the deadly E-coli infection.
With regards to appearance, the fat found in grass-fed beef is much thinner and nearly clear. The flavor is exactly what beef is expected to taste. It carries a richer and fuller flavor. Since cows can move around in pastures with more freedom, this allow them to exercise making more muscle tone and may be chewier.
Additionally, grass-fed beef has environmental advantages simply because it does not contribute to pollution. The wastes of cows drop onto the land providing nutrients to the following cycle of crops. The animal wastes in feedlots and other conditions of factory farming become a source of air and water pollution.

So, to answer in which the beef is… it is the beef obtained in pastures where cattle is fed by grass. It is indeed much better than grain fed beef and beef raised in feedlots and enormous factory farms.

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Posted by on July 21, 2014 in Uncategorized


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